New Year, Same Me.

It’s January so we are being inundated with the phrase “new year, new me”, am I right? I think more and more people are catching on that this phrase is BS. January is a great time to set new goals for the upcoming year. It’s a fresh start, yes, but let’s stop celebrating trying to change ourselves with a new version and just make a better version of you. After all, we are all uniquely designed…we may just need better time management skills!

One new thing I am doing this year is creating a vision board. I used Canva and edited a template and it was fun, creative, and really made me think about what I truly wanted for this upcoming year. I found that I was calling myself out in my head like, “it sounds good, but is it truly attainable?” I wanted to set realistic goals that I knew I could reach just by prioritizing my time better. I want things like presence, time, memories, things of real value to me.

So when I found myself placing things on my vision board that didn’t actually serve me, but that would look good to anyone else who saw it, I changed it, and changed it again, until it actually suited my true self. No ego.

One of the goals I set for myself was to get back to writing. I started this blog back in September of 2019. Then covid happened right before I delivered my second son, and the rest was history.

BUT–new year, same me! I still love writing! It’s something I have done since I was a child but as we all do during busy seasons of life, I pushed my creative outlet to the back burner.

See what I mean about not being a new version, just a better version? As I sit here and sip my coffee while it’s still dark, I am here.

Right where I want to be 🙂

Welcome back, my friends.