Transitioning Phase

Going from worrying and stressing about change is just a mindset shift away from being the thing that brings you optimism and excitement. I have been working for the largest health coaching company in the U.S for the past two and a half years and in just a few days, my next chapter begins.

My previous self would have worried and fretted about the choice I made to leave but after years of inner work and healing, I can say I am proud of the choice I made. I did it because I trust that it is what’s best for me at this current life phase. I trust that what is meant for me will come to me, that doors will open (or close), and that’s exactly as it was supposed to happen.

The natural question would be ‘what’s next?’ but I feel comfortable in not knowing. I plan to pour myself into my children and be as present as possible. With their dad working so much, it was not ideal for me to have a full schedule when I have 2 small boys to raise and an entire household to run.

I absolutely LOVE coaching and feel honored anytime I get to help someone achieve their goals; it’s a part of who I am and I am good at it. I have plenty of friends and family who have wanted to be coached by me but couldn’t afford my company’s price so maybe I’ll have the honor of working closely with those that I love, who knows! Maybe I’ll keep a small roster of 10 clients so they can be my main focus, again, who knows? What I do know is I have a gift for health and wellness and I will continue to spread that gift in some way shape or form.

This blog was initially intended to be all about functional health and managing mom life. I knew the vision of what I wanted it to be but now I have the education to go with the vision. Funny how it all works out when you lean into the uncomfortable.

At the time I felt like an imposter when I named my blog functional momma but I knew what I wanted it to be, and now, here I am, certified functional nutrition health coach, mom of two, with a new chapter opening and focusing on getting back to the things I love most.

I’m proud of me. Stay tuned.

New Year, Same Me.

pink and white flowers on white wall

It’s January so we are being inundated with the phrase “new year, new me”, am I right? I think more and more people are catching on that this phrase is BS. January is a great time to set new goals for the upcoming year. It’s a fresh start, yes, but let’s stop celebrating trying to change ourselves with a new version and just make a better version of you. After all, we are all uniquely designed…we may just need better time management skills!

One new thing I am doing this year is creating a vision board. I used Canva and edited a template and it was fun, creative, and really made me think about what I truly wanted for this upcoming year. I found that I was calling myself out in my head like, “it sounds good, but is it truly attainable?” I wanted to set realistic goals that I knew I could reach just by prioritizing my time better. I want things like presence, time, memories, things of real value to me.

So when I found myself placing things on my vision board that didn’t actually serve me, but that would look good to anyone else who saw it, I changed it, and changed it again, until it actually suited my true self. No ego.

One of the goals I set for myself was to get back to writing. I started this blog back in September of 2019. Then covid happened right before I delivered my second son, and the rest was history.

BUT–new year, same me! I still love writing! It’s something I have done since I was a child but as we all do during busy seasons of life, I pushed my creative outlet to the back burner.

See what I mean about not being a new version, just a better version? As I sit here and sip my coffee while it’s still dark, I am here.

Right where I want to be 🙂

Welcome back, my friends.

Hybrid Health Coaching [the future of coaching]

This feels a little strange, but a good strange. When I started this blog at the end of 2019 I had no idea what was lurking around the corner! I wanted to finally hop back on here and say, hello there, beautiful!

I am so happy to be back and I’m ready to bring you more content than ever! SO MUCH has changed since I’ve been away & I can’t wait to tell you all about it! I became a functional medicine hybrid coach through a company called Nutrition Dynamic!

First, let’s recap.

Since the pandemic I have gone through:

  • F3 tornado nearly hitting my house
  • delivering a baby during a pandemic and lock-down
  • postpartum depression/anxiety
  • the whole family getting COVID (including the newborn)
  • moving houses
  • a cancer scare
  • career change

2020 was a wild ride and it’s crazy to think 2021 is nearly to its end.

Journey to Hybrid Health Coaching

Health and wellness has always been my passion. I have always loved eating healthy and feeling my best!

During my time as a stay at home mom I craved to learn more! That’s why I started this blog. To learn, and to teach.

Though I no longer had the desire to train in person, I still felt inspired to help people. I wanted to fill the gap between ‘wanting to change’ and ‘making a change’. So many people feel bad for so long and reach out for help when they hit rock bottom. Why is that?

Because they don’t know where to begin. They try, they fail, they go back to old patterns.

Functional Momma was born on the idea that we can make a change together. A place where people would come to learn, discover, and apply.

Then I met Nutrition Dynamic. Our love affair began a few years before I actually became a coach but I watched them, longingly, change lives. They inspired me. Motivated me. And when the timing was right (sort of) I took the plunge and signed up for their Metabolic Mentor program.

A rigorous 36 week program where I could master functional nutrition and become the hybrid coach I’ve always dreamed of!

What Is A Hybrid Coach?

We all know what a health coach is, but what is a hybrid health coach?

Nutrition Dynamic’s vision is to combine functional medicine with program structure, fitness training, and weight loss nutrition.

We help heal:

  • hormonal imbalance
  • gut dysfunction
  • weight loss resistance
  • adrenal fatigue
  • inflammation
  • PCOS management
  • metabolic syndrome

and SO MUCH more!

The best part about this team of amazing coaches is that the training never stops. I am on multiple case study calls a week where we continue to learn and collaborate.

So when you sign up with Nutrition Dynamic, you’re not just signing up with a coach. You sign up for a whole TEAM of highly skilled, highly motivated, highly passionate individuals that want you to SUCCEED.

Functional Momma meets Functional Coaching

I’ve been dying to yell from the rooftops, “I’m a coach with one of the largest coaching companies–globally!” but I haven’t had any help with childcare, and well, toddlers are crazy!

Their parent’s day out program just started back up and I have a [tiny] bit of free time so I run here to tell you! And of course, to say I missed you!

If there’s anything mentioned in this article that you’d like to know more info on, please comment!


Easy 1 Month Meal Planning [guide + printouts]

Meal planning is the one thing I really wish I had done with my first pregnancy so it has been at the top of my To-Do list this go around. I know meal planning can be daunting but I am going to show you a really easy way to plan monthly meals all at once. This process is really easy & it’s how I plan our meals even when I’m not pregnant!

Continue reading “Easy 1 Month Meal Planning [guide + printouts]”

Pregnancy Diet |Glycemic Index {Grocery List}

Pregnancy is not a time that any mom-to-be wants to talk about dieting but we also know that extra weight gain is something we want to avoid for our postpartum recovery, and for the health of mom & baby. In this article, I’m going to tell you how you can keep the excess weight off with a pregnancy “diet” that doesn’t involve counting calories.

Continue reading “Pregnancy Diet |Glycemic Index {Grocery List}”